Hypocrisy rears it ugly head every which way we turn. More often than not, we see it most often in religion. Yup, religion – a most sensitive subject.
A holier than thou attitude seems to pervade a lot of Christians. I am a Christian myself, so I am not commenting from an outside perspective. I see a lot of so called Christians who are nothing more than charlatans and hypocrites, tragically among my circle of acquaintances. They put on a pious facade when in congregation, reciting and singing lustily. But once the session is over and they have left the premises they fall back to their wayward lifestyles. Lie to friends and business associates, cheat on spouses, etc. These misguided souls invariably belong to small 'churches' or what is commonly known as shophouse churches. These churches are actually run much like any other business, requiring members to pay tithes and donate till it hurts. I have heard some actually require members to submit their tax returns as well. How the money is then utilised is anybody's guess; the 'pastor' often beyond query. To me, these are nothing more than a scam. A good example can be seen in a 'church' in Singapore; holding services in a public auditorium because it has no church building of its own. The pastor drives a top of the range continental car while receiving a 6-figure 'stipend' each month. Another pastor drives a hot Italian sports car. Kind of makes you think that a career change for yourself is in order here.
There are so many mainstream churches here – Roman Catholic, Protestant, Anglican, etc etc. So why do people flock to the smaller churches which are neither here nor there?
I suppose the reason is because people tend to find the mainstream denomination churches boring and un-inspiring. Humans nowadays like to look for novelty and stimuli not to mention some excitement as well. The small churches tender or rather pander to this demand with flowery and moving sermons; when people are moved their purse strings move in tandem. Perhaps it is considered more hip to attend these churches, I don't know. I am not tempted to try them as I remain steadfast to my church which I joined since I was 4 years old. Decades ago.
The teachings of the small churches are disturbing to say the least. They dispute a lot of the teachings in mainstream Christianity. Besides the rejection of the Virgin Mary, they also reject the cross as the symbol of Christianity, saying that thieves were also crucified on the cross. They also take exception to innocous exclamations with 'holy' in them such as holy cow. A friend's face colored when I mentioned charity and social work; this same person has been going around quoting from the bible and pretending to be a good Christian. Small minded and misguided hypocrites, that's what they are. I wonder what nonsense their 'pastors' have brainwashed them with. The bible's teachings has been interpreted and twisted in ways to move people insidiously and to differentiate from mainstream churches. A very dangerous trend has developed. False prophets are in our midst, evil is at work.
I have always believed that religion is a very private matter between God and myself. There is nothing to pretend, either you believe or not. As long as you have faith in God and live out your life with a clear conscience; I believe that God will always look out for you whatever your religion. What is the point in declaring yourself a good Christian to all and sundry but lie, cheat and connive at all opportunities. Might as well be an atheist and lie, cheat and connive to your heart's content. Don't waste any calories in pretending to be what you aren't. At least then, I may admit rather grudgingly that you are a man of your word.
Such hypocrisy is really just a manifestation of evil. Evil is at work when humans take something and twist it to suit their own purposes; religion is no exception nor spared.
False prophets are really in our midst. Tread softly and carry a big cross.